How Long Does a Joint Replacement Last For?

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Experiencing joint pain with everyday movements like walking, climbing stairs, and getting in and out of a chair is debilitating. But, if you’re coping with chronic joint pain from an injury, arthritis, or autoimmune disease, you no longer have to suffer. 

Thanks to advancements in modern medicine, joint replacement surgery can provide patients with long-term joint pain relief. The procedure has allowed numerous patients to return to physical activities that they once enjoyed, such as biking, running, and hiking. 

Understanding Total Joint Replacement Surgery

Arthroplasty, also known as total joint replacement surgery, replaces a damaged joint with an artificial, prosthetic joint. The procedure has proven to be the most useful for load-bearing joints, such as the hip and knee joints. 

The arthroplasty procedure is a safe and effective means of reconstructing the affected joint, which improves function and relieves pain in the long run. Prosthetic joints are meant to perform like your natural joint, without the associated pain and discomfort.

Protecting Your Long-Term Joint Health

Your joints serve as a natural connection between the bones in your body. Furthermore, the proper joint function is essential to minimize damage to associated structures such as muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Given that a poorly functioning joint can lead to bone disorders, which are more complex to manage, arthroplasty is often the best available option for patients with debilitating joint pain. 

How Long Do Prosthetic Joints Last?

Prosthetic joints are implants composed of titanium and a cobalt-chromium alloy. These metals are coupled with heavy plastic for added stability. 

The goal of the surgery is to provide an unrestricted range of motion and pain relief. Patients can expect the prosthetic joint to last for up to 20 years, depending on their activity level. 

At Hernando Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery, we’re happy to offer total joint replacement surgery for degenerative joint disease to help our patients achieve long-lasting pain relief. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn if this treatment option could work for you.