5 Ways to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that triggers pain, tingling, and numbness in the arm and hand. While it’s common, carpal tunnel syndrome can cause discomfort with day-to-day tasks, such as writing, typing, and even driving. Preventing this condition can help you avoid pain and preserve your range of motion in the arm, wrist, and hand.

Five of the most effective ways to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome include:

Limiting Repeated Hand Motions

Repetitive hand movements are one of the biggest causes of carpal tunnel syndrome. Certain professions require frequent, repeated hand motions and, as a result, may put you at a higher risk for this condition. Examples of these professions include carpentry, sewing, assembly line work, dentistry, surgery, and office work that requires frequent typing.

To reduce your risk of carpal tunnel syndrome, try to limit repetitive hand motions as much as possible. If your profession requires these motions, aim to take frequent breaks and rest your wrists and hands whenever you’re not working.

Using Less Force With Your Hands

Whether you’re typing on a keyboard or holding a tool, you may be straining your hands and wrists more than is necessary. To prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, try to use a lighter grip and less force while using your hands. 

Maintaining a Neutral Wrist Position

A straight, neutral position of the wrists can help alleviate strain on the median nerve and prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. So, try to avoid motions or positions that bend the wrist fully up or down. If you work at a desk, create a desk, chair, and keyboard setup that allows your wrists to remain level with the keyboard. 

Stretching Your Hands and Wrists

When you’re not actively using your hands and wrists, try to do some basic hand stretches to prevent tension. To stretch your hands, make a fist, then extend your fingers out until they’re straight. Repeat this motion five to ten times. 

Rotating Hand Motions

If you use your hands a lot at work, alternating hands or tasks as much as possible can give your muscles a much-needed break. Interchanging hand motions can reduce strain on your hands and wrists, leading to a lower risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. 

To learn more about carpal tunnel syndrome and the treatment options available, schedule an appointment at Hernando Orthopaedic.